  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



Type Aliases

ActivitiesContext: ActionContext<ActivitiesModuleState, RootState>

missing interface documentation

AppContext: ActionContext<AppState, RootState>

missing interface documentation

AuthContext: ActionContext<AuthState, RootState>

missing interface documentation


This type defines the actual type-safe format for a card component's data.

This type can be used whenever you need to refer to the type of a card component's vuex store state and contains the actual data, either in a raw-, natively typed, format or in a scoped format as described by CardComponentDataType and CardComponentScopedDataType.



CardComponentDataType: CardComponentDataType[] | {} | string | number | boolean | null | undefined | void

This type defines a flexible value type for data, arrays of data and objects of data.

This type serves internally to use a type-safe alternative to the any keyword when referring to card component's sets of data.

Note that this type can be used recursively and accepts arrays of any of the listed native types or objects.



CardComponentScopedDataType: { data: CardComponentDataType }

This type defines a scoped value type for data, arrays of data and objects of data.

This type serves internally to map vuex store results that are scoped in a data property, as is common with datasets that are the result of API requests.



Type declaration

CardComponentType: "Card" | "TableCard"

This type defines the component types that can be wrapped in cards with this software.

This type serves internally to limit the keys available with the Card interface's component field.



CardWrapperSize: "full-width" | "adapt-to-content" | "flex"

This type defines the wrapper size that is used to render the card.

This type serves internally to limit the keys available with the CardDisplayMode interface's size field.

Currently the following values are available to be used in a card's display.size configuration:

Value Description
full-width The card will take up the full width of its parent node.
adapt-to-content The card will take as much room as as necessary to display its own content.
flex The card will take as much room as necessary to display its own content and will fill up some extra space if the parent node is not filled.


ConfigType: ConfigDTO | undefined
DefinedScalarValueType: string | number | boolean

This file is part of dHealth dApps Framework shared under LGPL-3.0 Copyright (C) 2022-present dHealth Network, All rights reserved.


dHealth dApps Framework


Vue Frontend


dHealth Network devs@dhealth.foundation



Formatter: ((input: any) => string)

Type declaration

    • (input: any): string
    • interface



      This interface defines the configuration of an individual data formatter. These are used for data transformations and manipulations, e.g. displaying a pretty address format instead of its' raw format.

      A formatter consists in an arrow function that returns a string-typed formatted result given the original dataset as an input.


      Using the Formatter interface

        const config = {
      valueType: "address",
      formatter: (in: any) => in.toString(),

      // using the interface directly
      const formatter = config as Formatter;

      // or using a formatter factory
      const formatter = createFormatter(config);





      • input: any

        The input value that must be formatted.

      Returns string

FormatterFunction: ((input: any) => string)

Type declaration

    • (input: any): string
    • description

      This type defines a contract for formatter arrow functions to make sure that they always return string-typed results.




      • input: any

      Returns string

FormatterFunctions: Record<string, Formatter>
FormattersConfig: Record<string, string>
LayoutType: "default" | "custom" | "grid" | "flex" | "singular"

This file is part of dHealth dApps Framework shared under LGPL-3.0 Copyright (C) 2022-present dHealth Network, All rights reserved.


dHealth dApps Framework


Vue Frontend


dHealth Network devs@dhealth.foundation



LeaderboardContext: ActionContext<LeaderboardModuleState, RootState>

missing interface documentation

LeaderboardDTO: LeaderboardEntryDTO[]

This class defines an array of leaderboard entries that are defined using LeaderboardEntryDTO.



OAuthModuleContext: ActionContext<OAuthModuleState, RootState>

missing interface documentation

PaginationMode: "none" | "default" | "client" | "api"

This type defines the pagination modes that are available for card components.

Following values are possible:

  • "default": Uses the default, client-side pagination mode.
  • "client": Uses the client-side pagination mode.
  • "server": Uses the server-side pagination mode (backend).
  • "none": Does not permit navigating through pages.


RootContext: ActionContext<any, RootState>

missing interface documentation

ScalarValueType: string | number | boolean | null | undefined

This file is part of dHealth dApps Framework shared under LGPL-3.0 Copyright (C) 2022-present dHealth Network, All rights reserved.


dHealth dApps Framework


Vue Frontend


dHealth Network devs@dhealth.foundation



StatisticsModuleContext: ActionContext<StatisticsModuleState, RootState>
TemplateGeneratorFunction: (() => string)

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • This file is part of dHealth dApps Framework shared under LGPL-3.0 Copyright (C) 2022-present dHealth Network, All rights reserved.


      dHealth dApps Framework


      Vue Frontend


      dHealth Network devs@dhealth.foundation



      Returns string

TranslationDataset: {}

This file is part of dHealth dApps Framework shared under LGPL-3.0 Copyright (C) 2022-present dHealth Network, All rights reserved.


dHealth dApps Framework


Vue Frontend


dHealth Network devs@dhealth.foundation



Type declaration

  • [lang: string]: Record<string, string | any>
UserDataAggregateDTO: { levelReferral?: number; topActivities?: string[]; totalEarned: number; totalPracticedMinutes: number; totalReferral?: number }

This type defines the rules of aggregate data that is generate for individual users.



Type declaration

  • Optional levelReferral?: number
  • Optional topActivities?: string[]
  • totalEarned: number
  • totalPracticedMinutes: number
  • Optional totalReferral?: number


ActivitiesModule: { actions: { fetchActivities: any; initialize: any }; getters: { getActivityItems: ((state: ActivitiesModuleState) => ActivityEntryDTO[]) }; mutations: { setActivities: ((state: ActivitiesModuleState, payload: ActivityEntryDTO[]) => ActivityEntryDTO[]); setInitialized: ((state: ActivitiesModuleState, payload: boolean) => boolean) }; namespaced: boolean; state: (() => ActivitiesModuleState) } = ...

missing interface documentation

Type declaration

AppComponents: { AppHeader: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Card: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; DappSelect: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; DirectionTriangle: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; DividedScreen: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Dropdown: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; ElevateLogo: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Footer: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; GenericList: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; InfoTip: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Leaderboard: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; LeaderboardRow: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Loader: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; MobileNavigationButton: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; NavPanel: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; ProgressBar: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; ReferralInput: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Stats: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Tabs: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; Toast: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; TopActivities: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; UiButton: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; UiPopup: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>; UserBalance: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}> } = ...

Type declaration

  • AppHeader: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Card: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • DappSelect: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • DirectionTriangle: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • DividedScreen: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Dropdown: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • ElevateLogo: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Footer: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • GenericList: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • InfoTip: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Leaderboard: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • LeaderboardRow: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Loader: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • MobileNavigationButton: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • NavPanel: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • ProgressBar: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • ReferralInput: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Stats: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Tabs: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • Toast: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • TopActivities: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • UiButton: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • UiPopup: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
  • UserBalance: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}>
AppModule: { actions: { fetchConfig: any; fetchLanguage: any; fetchSocialPlatforms: any; initialize: any; translate: any }; getters: { getBackendURL: ((state: AppState) => string); getConfig: ((state: AppState) => ConfigType); getLanguage: ((state: AppState) => string); getName: ((state: AppState) => string); getVersion: ((state: AppState) => string); hasSnackBar: ((state: AppState) => boolean); i18n: ((state: AppState) => Translations); isLoading: ((state: AppState) => boolean); socialApps: ((state: AppState) => SocialPlatformDTO[]) }; mutations: { disableSnackBar: ((state: AppState) => boolean); enableSnackBar: ((state: AppState) => boolean); setConfig: ((state: AppState, payload: ConfigType) => ConfigType); setInitialized: ((state: AppState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setLanguage: ((state: AppState, payload: string) => string); setSocialPlatforms: ((state: AppState, payload: SocialPlatformDTO[]) => SocialPlatformDTO[]); setTranslator: ((state: AppState, payload: Translations) => Translations) }; namespaced: boolean; state: (() => AppState) } = ...

missing interface documentation

Type declaration

AuthModule: { actions: { fetchAccessToken: any; fetchChallenge: any; fetchProfile: any; initialize: any; logoutProfile: any }; getters: { getAccessToken: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getAuthRegistry: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getChallenge: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getCurrentUserAddress: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getRefCode: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getRefreshToken: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); isAuthenticated: ((state: AuthState) => boolean); isLoading: ((state: AuthState) => boolean) }; mutations: { setAccessToken: ((state: AuthState, accessToken: string) => string); setAuthRegistry: ((state: AuthState, registry: string) => string); setAuthenticated: ((state: AuthState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setChallenge: ((state: AuthState, challenge: string) => string); setCurrentUserAddress: ((state: AuthState, userAddress: string) => string); setInitialized: ((state: AuthState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setIsProviderIntegrated: ((state: AuthState, providerState: boolean) => boolean); setRefCode: ((state: AuthState, refCode: string) => string); setRefreshToken: ((state: AuthState, refreshToken: string) => string) }; namespaced: boolean; state: (() => AuthState) } = ...

missing interface documentation

Type declaration

  • actions: { fetchAccessToken: any; fetchChallenge: any; fetchProfile: any; initialize: any; logoutProfile: any }
  • getters: { getAccessToken: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getAuthRegistry: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getChallenge: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getCurrentUserAddress: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getRefCode: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); getRefreshToken: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string); isAuthenticated: ((state: AuthState) => boolean); isLoading: ((state: AuthState) => boolean) }
    • getAccessToken: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string)
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | string

    • getAuthRegistry: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string)
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | string

    • getChallenge: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string)
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | string

    • getCurrentUserAddress: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string)
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | string

    • getRefCode: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string)
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | string

    • getRefreshToken: ((state: AuthState) => undefined | string)
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | string

    • isAuthenticated: ((state: AuthState) => boolean)
    • isLoading: ((state: AuthState) => boolean)
  • mutations: { setAccessToken: ((state: AuthState, accessToken: string) => string); setAuthRegistry: ((state: AuthState, registry: string) => string); setAuthenticated: ((state: AuthState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setChallenge: ((state: AuthState, challenge: string) => string); setCurrentUserAddress: ((state: AuthState, userAddress: string) => string); setInitialized: ((state: AuthState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setIsProviderIntegrated: ((state: AuthState, providerState: boolean) => boolean); setRefCode: ((state: AuthState, refCode: string) => string); setRefreshToken: ((state: AuthState, refreshToken: string) => string) }
    • setAccessToken: ((state: AuthState, accessToken: string) => string)
        • (state: AuthState, accessToken: string): string
        • Parameters

          Returns string

    • setAuthRegistry: ((state: AuthState, registry: string) => string)
        • Parameters

          Returns string

    • setAuthenticated: ((state: AuthState, payload: boolean) => boolean)
        • (state: AuthState, payload: boolean): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    • setChallenge: ((state: AuthState, challenge: string) => string)
        • (state: AuthState, challenge: string): string
        • Parameters

          Returns string

    • setCurrentUserAddress: ((state: AuthState, userAddress: string) => string)
        • (state: AuthState, userAddress: string): string
        • Parameters

          Returns string

    • setInitialized: ((state: AuthState, payload: boolean) => boolean)
        • (state: AuthState, payload: boolean): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    • setIsProviderIntegrated: ((state: AuthState, providerState: boolean) => boolean)
        • (state: AuthState, providerState: boolean): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    • setRefCode: ((state: AuthState, refCode: string) => string)
        • Parameters

          Returns string

    • setRefreshToken: ((state: AuthState, refreshToken: string) => string)
        • (state: AuthState, refreshToken: string): string
        • Parameters

          Returns string

  • namespaced: boolean
  • state: (() => AuthState)
Layouts: Record<LayoutType, Layout> = ...



This variable contains all available layouts and an instance of the corresponding layout class.



LeaderboardModule: { actions: { fetchLeaderboard: any; fetchUserLeaderboardEntry: any; initialize: any }; getters: { getLeaderboardItems: ((state: LeaderboardModuleState) => LeaderboardEntryDTO[]); getUserLeaderboardEntry: ((state: LeaderboardModuleState) => LeaderboardEntryDTO) }; mutations: { addLeaderboardItem: ((state: LeaderboardModuleState, item: LeaderboardEntryDTO) => number); setInitialized: ((state: LeaderboardModuleState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setLeaderboardItems: ((state: LeaderboardModuleState, leaderboardItems: LeaderboardEntryDTO[]) => any[]); setUserLeaderboardEntry: ((state: LeaderboardModuleState, leaderboardEntry: LeaderboardEntryDTO) => LeaderboardEntryDTO) }; namespaced: boolean; state: (() => LeaderboardModuleState) } = ...

missing interface documentation

Type declaration

LibComponents: { DappButton: any } = ...

Type declaration

  • DappButton: any
OAuthModule: { actions: { authorize: any; callback: any; deauthorize: any; fetchIntegrations: any; initialize: any }; getters: { getIntegrations: ((state: OAuthModuleState) => string[]); getParameters: ((state: OAuthModuleState) => OAuthParameters); isIntegrating: ((state: OAuthModuleState) => boolean); isLoading: ((state: OAuthModuleState) => boolean) }; mutations: { setInitialized: ((state: OAuthModuleState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setIntegrating: ((state: OAuthModuleState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setIntegrations: ((state: OAuthModuleState, payload: string[]) => string[]); setParameters: ((state: OAuthModuleState, payload: OAuthParameters) => OAuthParameters) }; namespaced: boolean; state: (() => OAuthModuleState) } = ...

missing interface documentation

Type declaration

StatisticsModule: { actions: { fetchStatistics: any; initialize: any }; getters: { getUserStatistics: ((state: StatisticsModuleState) => undefined | UserStatisticsDTO) }; mutations: { setAmount: ((state: StatisticsModuleState, amount: number) => number); setData: ((state: StatisticsModuleState, data: UserDataAggregateDTO) => UserDataAggregateDTO); setInitialized: ((state: StatisticsModuleState, payload: boolean) => boolean); setPeriod: ((state: StatisticsModuleState, period: string) => string); setPeriodFormat: ((state: StatisticsModuleState, periodFormat: string) => string); setPosition: ((state: StatisticsModuleState, position: number) => number) }; namespaced: boolean; state: (() => StatisticsModuleState) } = ...

Type declaration


  • authenticationHandler(__namedParameters: any): any
  • guestHandler(__namedParameters: any): any
  • description

    this method used for handling authenticated state and pushing user from onboarding in case of existing authentication


    • __namedParameters: any

    Returns any

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