new with array props
new with object props ideally, the return type should just contain Props, not Record<keyof Props, any>. But TS requires to have Base constructors with the same return type.
new with no props
The {@link TransferTransaction} instance to be displayed.
The optional x-axis position value (defaults to 0
The optional y-axis position value (defaults to 0
Getter of this component's height.
Result is in format "{height}px"
If height is not defined returns "0".
Getter of this component's width.
Result is in format "{width}px"
If width is not defined returns "0".
Getter of prop x
Return x
in pixels.
Getter of prop y
Return y
in pixels.
Getter to return the circle icons to be displayed.
Method to returns number of circles to display in this component.
Getter to return a boolean indicating whether the component's transaction contains message content.
Getter to return a boolean indicating whether the component's transaction contains any mosaic.
Getter to return a boolean indicating whether the component's transaction contains the network's native mosaic. Note that currently it is temporarily set to false by default.
Computed property to check whether client is running with mobile.
Getter to return the {@link Message} instance of this component's transaction.
Getter to return the list of mosaics in this component's transaction.
Getter to return the list of mosaics in this component's transaction.
Returns object's position on x-axis depending on platform.
Returns object's position on y-axis depending on platform.
Getter to return the transaction's recipient's address.
Getter to return the transaction's signer
Returns subject height.
Returns adjusted position on x-axis depending on platform.
Returns adjusted position on y-axis depending on platform.
Returns subject width.
Calculate graphic height depending on platform.
Computed property to return this component's viewBox specifics depending on if client is on mobile or not.
Calculate graphic width depending on platform.
Getter to return the transaction type (in string).
Method to return this component's data.
Returns the title of address.
The format of title is "Account: ${address}"
Get position on x-axis of the circle icon.
Method to return an RGB color string from a normal string value.
Method to return an RGB color string from a hex string value.
Method to generate and return id for this component.
Method that takes an input of number and returns a string in form "${number_value}px"
Returns the transaction caption depending on transaction type. Note that value will be extracted from {@link TransactionTypeTitle}.
E.g. TransactionType.TRANSFER
-> "Transfer"
Method to return a truncated string from the origial input string.
extend with array props
extend with object props
extend with functional + array props
extend with functional + object props
extend with no props
Generated using TypeDoc
This component display a transaction graphic that represents a {@link TransferTransaction} instance.
You can customize this component using custom HTML attributes as listed below.
Using the DappTransferTransaction component
The {@link TransferTransaction} instance to be displayed.